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Three simple steps to make sure your offer is seen and heard! For an inbound marketing campaign to succeed you need three things to work; an email campaign, lead development and clear, precise analytics management. Not sure what these things are? Or even how they work within your marketing strategy? Then these three tips below […]

Three simple steps to make sure your offer is seen and heard!

For an inbound marketing campaign to succeed you need three things to work; an email campaign, lead development and clear, precise analytics management. Not sure what these things are? Or even how they work within your marketing strategy? Then these three tips below will help you improve your next campaign and gain a greater understanding of successful inbound marketing campaigns.

The Email 

The key here is to work backwards. Before sending out your email campaign you need to ensure you have all the elements together so your message is seamless and cohesive. Make sure you have a website landing page that works and clearly demonstrates your business and offering, a clear, functional enquiry form and an email thank you message or process to send to any response, enquiry or order immediately.

Once you have all these together you can get creative with your email offering! Creativity and clever copywriting will get people engaged and reading your email, however it is imperative that you talk up the value and benefit of your product. Always think ‘why should they buy from me?’

Keep the wording clear, concise and to the point. You know yourself how many emails you get in a day, and how many you actually take the time to read. The email is the taster, the top level information and offer you need to entice your customers to your website, enquiry form or to arrange an appointment.

A good tip is to make sure that your email and website for that matter is mobile optimised. Most people check their phones on the morning or evening commute and live in front of a touch screen. Give your email the opportunity to be seen everywhere at any time.

Starting the relationship

Starting and growing any new sales lead is a vital part of the sales process. It is here that you start your journey with a potential new client. It is a new relationship which you want to strengthen, grow and ultimately move through your sales model to a successful conclusion.

Email campaigns are a great way to start. Technology these days means that emails can be targeted down to the smallest detail becoming almost a personal communication with your customers.  Split campaigns for current customers and potential ones, offer discounts and campaigns and automate your emails to follow up a day, a week or a month later. The first email is the important one, ensure your offer demonstrates clearly how your business or service will help them and also just how successful you are. Statistics are a great way to do this but don’t put too many on your email. One or two to show your business to its best advantage is perfect.

Your follow up emails should be about establishing a relationship and giving more information on your company, blog posts, links to Facebook campaigns and requesting comments and feedback in the form of a forum, competition or discussion.  This is also a great way to gain information on your customer base which you can use in further campaigns. Your final email should be a bottom of the line offer, a contact form, a special discount price guide or a chance for them to make contact with you directly.

The power of analysis

Measure everything. If a potential client has opened every single one of your emails, filled out the contact form but not hit send, it’s a perfect opportunity to pick up the phone. They are interested, but for whatever reason they have not committed to direct contact. This is where you come in and make the difference. Without analysis you would not know that this person has attempted to enquire and a potential sale is lost or never discovered.

Using a tech savvy digital marketing agency means you can find out detailed information such as:-

  • Which customers are viewing your offers?
  • Where traffic is coming from (is it all coming through your Facebook? Does your Twitter need attention?)
  • How many people completed your contact page but didn’t hit send.  What is putting them off?
  • Are they clicking links but stopping as soon as they reach your website?
  • Where are the bulk of enquiries coming from?

Don’t just look at the good stuff either. Certainly look at which campaigns are doing well and work on improving them further but the poor performers are a great place to learn. Find out what is going wrong, what can be changed, and ultimately turn these campaigns around!

Always use this analysis time to work out your ROI. You need to know how much time, effort and money is spent on each inbound marketing campaign in order to know if it’s a profitable venture for you.

What Next?

Now you have a grasp on the main steps to any successful inbound marketing campaign. Of course there are many other factors to consider such as the quality and integrity of your address book, the size of your campaign and of course the kind of business you are in.

Its worthwhile tapping into a good digital marketing agency who deals with inbound campaigns every day and have a wealth of experience in technology and across many industry sectors. Partner with DesignFox Brand Agency  today and get your business rocking and rolling!


03 Oct, 2023
We delve into the importance of brand consistency, supported by data and real-world instances that underscore its role in driving sales and fostering customer loyalty.
07 Sep, 2023
In a world flooded with information and content, standing out has become more challenging than ever. Businesses are constantly striving to capture the attention of their target audience and create a lasting impression. So, what's the key to leaving a mark in the minds and hearts of your customers? The answer lies in the power of visual storytelling through design. The Art of Visual Storytelling Visual storytelling is the practice of conveying a message or narrative through visual elements, such as images, graphics, and videos. It's a timeless art that has been used throughout history to communicate ideas, evoke emotions, and create connections. In the modern business landscape, visual storytelling plays a pivotal role in shaping a brand's identity and resonating with its audience. Why Visual Storytelling Matters Memorability : Human brains are wired to remember visuals better than text. When you tell your brand's story visually, you make it easier for your audience to recall your message and associate it with your brand. Emotional Connection : Visual storytelling has the unique ability to evoke emotions. Through carefully crafted visuals, you can elicit feelings of joy, trust, excitement, or nostalgia, forging a deeper connection with your audience. Simplicity and Clarity : Complex ideas can be simplified and made more accessible through visuals. This clarity helps your audience understand your brand's values, mission, and offerings more easily. Universal Appeal : Visuals have a universal language that transcends barriers like language and culture. A well-designed image or graphic can convey a message to a global audience. The Role of Design in Visual Storytelling Design is the vehicle that drives visual storytelling. It encompasses everything from your logo and website to marketing materials and social media posts. Effective design ensures that your brand's story is not only told but also understood and embraced. Logo : Your logo is often the first visual representation of your brand that people encounter. A well-designed logo should encapsulate your brand's essence and values, making it instantly recognisable. Website : A user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing website is crucial for conveying your brand's story online. It should guide visitors through your narrative, providing them with a seamless and engaging experience. Graphics : Infographics, illustrations, and other graphics can simplify complex information and make it more engaging. They are powerful tools for storytelling, especially when explaining processes or showcasing data. Social Media : Visual content on social media platforms is highly shareable and can go viral. Engaging visuals can help you tell your brand's story to a wider audience. Examples of Successful Visual Storytelling Nike : Nike's "Just Do It" campaign is a prime example of compelling visual storytelling. Through powerful imagery and emotionally charged videos, Nike has encouraged millions to push their limits and pursue their dreams. Coca-Cola : Coca-Cola's classic holiday ads use heartwarming visuals and narratives to create a sense of joy and togetherness, reinforcing their brand as a symbol of happiness. Apple : Apple's minimalist design philosophy is evident in its products and marketing materials. The sleek and simple design tells a story of innovation and elegance. Conclusion In the ever-evolving world of branding and digital presence, DesignFox is here to empower your business with the art of visual storytelling through design. We understand that your brand's story is unique, and we're passionate about helping you craft and convey that story in a compelling and unforgettable way. With our expertise in design, we can assist you in creating a brand identity that not only speaks volumes but also resonates deeply with your audience. Whether it's designing a memorable logo, developing a user-friendly website, or crafting captivating graphics, we have the tools and creativity to bring your brand's narrative to life.
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